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Born to Rise
In 1985, a young immigrant couple from Mexico defied all odds to make a better life for themselves in America. After crossing the border and starting a family of three in Northern California, they decided to add one more member: Saul España, a.k.a. XLUSV.
Summer Rebel
Growing up in the California suburbs was as exciting as sitting through an hour of math class. During the summer nights, XLUSV and his friends would often go on missions in different cities, smoke blunts, and and won Olympic medals for outrunning the cops after curfew. These adrenaline-fueled moments helped him to start writing music, and this new-found hobby kept him focused during his adolescence.
A New Chapter
Palm trees and ocean views in Southern California is where XLUSV calls home now. With a baby girl on the way, his dedication to the future of his music is fierce and unwavering.
Listen to XLUSV on all major streaming platforms below: